Pom Poms

1:00 AM

Pom Poms are fun to make. It does need a little bit of patience. But once you get hang of it you will make them in matter of seconds. It is a great way to use left over yarn, ribbons, tissue papers. To start with it is better to start with making a small Pom Pom. Then you can use your imagination and make as big and different type of Pom Poms as you need. 

To make these Pom Poms all you need is yarn and scissors. I will be showing you how to make Pom Poms using fingers and forks. Let's get started!

Pom Poms using fingers

Items you need to make Pom Poms:

  • Yarn
  • Scissors

Take your yarn and start wrapping it around your fingers. You can adjust the size of the Pom Pom by increasing or decreasing the gap between your fingers.

Keep on wrapping till you reach your desired size. Take the other end of yarn and tie a knot in a centre.

The more you wrap the yarn, the more bigger and fuller will be your Pom Pom.

Take a pair pf scissors and cut the loops that are formed and you will see something like this. You are almost there.

Keep on trimming the yarn till you see the Pom Pom getting shaped. And there it is ! Your have created your Pom Pom.

Making Pom Pom using a fork

Items you will need:
  • Fork
  • Scissors 
  • Yarn
Take a fork and a small piece of yarn. 
Place that piece of a yarn in the middle as shown below.

Take the yarn and start wrapping it around the fork as you wrap a spaghetti. Keep on wrapping till you get to your desired size.

Cut the yarn.

Take the yarn which you have placed in the beginning and tie a knot. You should tie it tight enough other wise your Pom Pom will fall apart. Don't pull it too tight otherwise your yarn may break.

After that is done. Take a pair of scissors and start cutting the loop which is formed.

You will end up with this. Keep on trimming the yarn till you have your Pom Pom. And you are done! 

Here is your final Pom Pom.

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